There is no substitute for experience
Rob is one of the most experienced Advocates in Melbourne. Very few advocates have his agency know-how. Before Advocacy, Rob spent a lifetime working as an agent, and if you ask him what requirements you need to become an Advocate, he would tell you to get agency experience. As an advocate, Rob is highly regarded by his agency peers and it is this mutual respect that gives Rob a huge advantage. Rob is a strong believer in practicing what you preach. To really understand your clients you need to speak from experience. Rob has lived in Melbourne for his entire life and is able to provide an unrivaled insight about Melbourne as a city, property and which are the best suburbs.
Rob lives the dream, he owns the property he lives in with his wife and has three children who have attended schools in the local area. Rob also has property investments, he gets you.
With experience comes knowledge, and with knowledge, facts. So, when it comes to giving advice Rob says “ the truth is facts don’t lie”. Forget opinions that are not supported by evidence and don’t let a good story get in the way of telling the truth. Rob has all the tools including restricted access to comprehensive property data not generally available to the public to help you make champion decisions.
Don’t be fooled by the plethora of online do it yourself schemes, let Rob tell it as it is. The sales industry is a cut throat business, and mistakes can be costly particularly in real estate given how much money is involved. Whether you are selling or buying, having Rob by your side will give you the peace of mind that you are getting advice that is independent of the sales cauldron. Trust Rob to put your best interests ahead of anything else. Something you don’t know about Rob is that he is a current board member of the Old Scotch Football Club and cares deeply about the next generation. Rob is also a strong advocate for Climate change.